
And just where do those interests overlap? I'm thinking that it's teaching and learning. We're all teachers, or more precisely Teachers, though we mostly don't have Classes or Students (Ron does, but that's not most of what he does, I think...) in the traditional sense. We're all entangled with information technologies, either by profession or by choice. We might or might not agree that it's "I.T." (and some might run screaming from the narrowness of that definition). We're all moth-eared (or is it cloth-eared?) from battles in and around academic institutions.

We don't all know each other in the f2f sense, but you all know me.

Ron probably cares more about agriculture than Bryan and John do; Bryan knows a lot more about literature than Ron and I do; John has a degree in American Studies; Skip has many identities, past and present; Ron and I are Stanford anthropologists; Bryan is a recovering Professor of English.

But it would be more seemly for each to say something about interests, right?